Resources for Cancer Patients

 In Cancer Support

As one of the most common medical diagnoses in the U.S., chances are you are affected by cancer in some way. Whether you are on a recovery journey yourself or know a person with cancer, navigating the healthcare system and life changes brought on by a cancer diagnosis can be challenging. Thankfully, there are many free resources for cancer patients.

Cancer support is available to provide emotional support and financial assistance. Personalized Hematology-Oncology stays abreast of services for cancer patients in our area. We strive to be a source of cancer information for our patients, as well as offering exception cancer care at our clinic.

Cancer financial assistance programs in the Triangle and nationwide

Even if you have insurance, the cost of cancer treatment can be expensive. We maintain a list of financial support for cancer patients, including local and national organizations that can help cover the costs of:

  • Travel
  • Medication
  • Out-of-pocket expenses like copayments
  • Medical debt
  • Extracurriculars, meals and utilities

Click Here to Learn More

Cancer support groups and services in the Triangle

Outside of the financial burden of a cancer diagnosis, sometimes the most challenging aspect is feeling alone. Connecting with people who understand what you are experiencing can help. Cancer support services in the Triangle include organizations that help with the following:

  • Patients diagnosed with specific types of cancer
  • Cancer survivors wanting to improve their general health and fitness level
  • Family members or caregivers who need support in their day-to-day lives
  • Children with a primary caretaker undergoing cancer treatment

Click Here to Learn More

You’re not alone

While you take on your fight with cancer, stay focused on healing and the road to recovery, and let your support network and other outlets help. There are a multitude of nonprofits, financial assistance resources, cancer support groups and special programs in the Triangle that you can turn to during your time of need.

If you know of other resources for cancer patients, send us a message via our website contact form, and we’ll help get the word out!

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