If you are nearing the age of 45, it’s time to think about getting your first colonoscopy. While scheduling a colonoscopy may not top your list of birthday preparations, having one could ensure [...]
In 2024, it is estimated that as many as 2 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the U.S., an increase from past years. It is predicted that more than 600,000 people will die from [...]
Our bodies are constantly changing. Growing up, you may have visited your primary care physician every year for height and weight checks, vaccines and when you got sick. Once people reach [...]
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual health campaign that strives to raise awareness of the disease. Throughout the month of October, breast cancer organizations and charities [...]
When listing risk factors for cancer, most Americans don’t think to add alcoholic beverages to the list. Because of this, many people are unintentionally increasing their risk of developing [...]
A cancer diagnosis can cause anxiety and concern for the person with cancer and their family. For those with a family history of cancer, understanding how genetics factors into hereditary cancers [...]
We are thrilled to sponsor the First Annual Celebrate Life Survivors Day 5k Walk/Run, which will take place in Wake Forest, NC, at E. Carroll Joyner Park on June 2, 2024! As National Cancer [...]
Prioritizing your health is more important than ever. People in the U.S. are facing a growing health crisis as rates of diseases continue to rise. Many of these diseases are preventable with [...]
Cancer is a word we hear a lot. We worry about getting cancer from our food, from secondhand smoke and even from our pets. But how common is cancer? Here, we answer all of your questions [...]
You might already be familiar with the numbers: each year, it is expected that 300,000 women in the US alone are diagnosed with breast cancer. Of those women, 50,000 will have localized (in situ) [...]