How to Stay Warm with Anemia This Winter

 In Hematology, Infusion Center

It is estimated that 1 in 4 people worldwide have some form of anemia, a blood disorder that affects the body’s red blood cells. Anemia can range in severity and have different causes, including as a medication side effect or as the result of another health condition.

While many people love snow, food and the holiday season that comes with winter, those with anemia might find it difficult to stay warm, making it hard to enjoy this time of year. Our doctors at Personalized Hematology-Oncology have a few tips and tricks to help anemia patients stay warm all winter in the face of symptoms.

Why is staying warm difficult with anemia?

People with anemia, whether it is a mild or severe case, do not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen. With the right treatment or medication, anemia is not life-threatening, but struggling to stay warm is one side effect that may be heightened during this time of year.

When there is a decrease of red blood cells, a person’s cells and tissues do not get enough oxygen. The lack of oxygen in the body’s tissues makes it hard for the body to regulate temperature.

Anemia types and symptoms

Significant blood loss, faulty red blood cell production, and certain cancers that destroy your red blood cells can all cause anemia. This condition most commonly affects people older than 65, pregnant women and those suffering from chronic disorders like intestinal disorders, cancer or kidney disease. Individuals with cold agglutinin disease (CAD) or lymphoma also have a higher risk of anemia since they have a low red blood cell count.

In addition to being cold, common symptoms of anemia include dizziness, lightheadedness, headaches, weakness, fatigue and bone pain.

However, it is important to note that symptoms depend on the form of anemia, which may include iron deficiency anemia, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and vitamin deficiency anemia.




Staying warm with anemia

No matter the type of anemia, a cold body temperature is one of the most common symptoms due to the way red blood cells interact with the body’s tissues. Thankfully, there are small ways you can raise your body’s temperature during the wintertime to stay warm with anemia.

Wear layers as insulation

The best way to combat the cold is to wear layers of clothes. Under a coat, wear two to three different layers to stay warm while you are out in the cold. Layering keeps your body warm because trapped air acts as an insulator between each layer.

With each layer you remove, the faster you will cool down. If you have CAD, this method will be your best friend all year round since cold weather and air conditioners can cause severe reactions. Those with CAD should consider always keeping additional jackets, coats or blankets on hand for extra warmth.

Accessorize with fiery intention

Just because you’re feeling cold doesn’t mean you have to stop accessorizing. Instead, wear accessories that add warmth this winter. Items like scarves, fun socks and hats are perfect to keep you warm all season long. Just like layering with other fabric items, these winter items trap in heat, which then keeps your body toasty warm.

Exercise your way to warmth

Moving around is another way to stay warm with anemia. Exercise activates your muscles, which in turn generates heat. While movement causes sweat in warm environments, it combats the cold and decreases shivering in cold environments. Don’t be worried about having to exert too much effort to warm up. If you notice yourself becoming cold or starting to shiver, move around. Within no time, you should feel warmer.

Eating green to keep you cozy

Yes, green vegetables can help warm up your body. Since anemia can reduce iron, adding more to your body can be a solution if you don’t have any absorption or methylation issues. One way to do that is to eat foods rich in iron. Broccoli, mustard greens, spinach and celery are great sources of iron. While this option will not give you warmth immediately, it could help long-term management of your anemia.

Heat your space efficiently

If you are indoors and still cold, use a space heater to stay warm with anemia. Space heaters can add significant additional heat into the air to warm you up, and most newer units do so at relatively low costs. Depending on the room you are in and the temperature, there are a range of sizes to choose from. However, no matter the size, make sure to keep your heater away from flammables and always monitor it.

Spicy treats can make staying warm easier

Many people start to sweat and get hot when they eat spicy food like jalapeños or habanero peppers, and the heat from consuming spicy foods can help you stay warm this winter. If you’re feeling adventurous, consider a spicy holiday beverage like a hot chocolate with cayenne pepper. However, if you have a history of ulcers or acid reflux, avoid these types of foods and consult a physician before adding something new to your diet.

Find anemia treatment in the Triangle

Your well-being is our utmost priority. The Personalized Hematology-Oncology team wants you to stay comfortable and happy this winter. If you need help managing your anemia, contact us to find out more about iron supplements at our infusion center.




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